Multicultural Resources for High School Students  

I’m Making you Up


For Beth Brant


Grandma we all need

partially deaf & busy with weaving

        listens       through a thick blanket of years & sore feet

nods    while I cry about everything they did to me

how horrible       & can’t stand another

while brown wrinkled you smile at me like sun coming up

         I stand next to you        pass wool absently

           you lay aside the wrong colors          without comment

I’m simply           Grandchild

babbling        your sympathy warm & comforting as dust

I sit in your lap           your loom pushed aside

you feed me fry bread with too much maple syrup

I pull your braids           you cradle me deeper in

your legs folded to make a basket for me

Grandma           who died long before I was born

                                        Come Back

                                             Come Back


Source: Voices Under One Sky: Contemporary Native Literature

This website was created and is maintained for use in classrooms dedicated to multicultural understanding. 
Material from and links to other sources have been chosen because of their relevance to this goal. 
For questions or comments, or to report problems with links, please contact:
Ann Ramsey